Christmas 2015

This year’s Christmas was possibly one of the best I’ve had in years. There was a twinkle of Christmas spirit, a cozy apartment and my little family. Christmas day was thoroughly enjoyed opening presents and playing with those presents.

Christmas lunch wasn’t an overdone affair. It was simple, luxurious and tasty.

I only hope you all had a wonderful Christmas no matter where you were or who you were with!

I’m enjoying my “invisible” days between Christmas and New Year with my little family still playing with our Christmas presents!

We’ve made it through 2015. Let’s see what 2016 brings!

Ciao for now!

The Teeth in the Wardrobe

There are things a child with a heart condition will live through that seem completely unrelated to their condition. On later inspection they’re part of the intricate paisley pattern of the whole thing.

I was very young. Possibly in the later part of my fifth or early sixth year. We (mom, dad and I) were staying in the cottage behind my grans house. It was a half-way-home as we were moving house. That being said, nothing was in its right place and everything was in its wrong place. Continue reading The Teeth in the Wardrobe

Vacation Decided

Vacations should have been torturous, horrid experiences but I don’t remember them that way at all.

Early on, my existence shrunk my poor parent’s borders of adventure.From having a normal child and the continent as their vacation playground, to having one repeated vacation destination for the next seven years because of me.

Continue reading Vacation Decided